

參與這次賑災行動者有佛光文教中心及国际佛光會马来西亚中马协会旗下的6个分会,也就是大学园第一分会、大学园第二分会、英文分会、加里尔峰分会、冼都分会及蒲种分会的幹部及義工共100人,出動19辆皮卡(Pick Up )分6區发放1000個食物篮。
今天的活动旨在分发1000份 “三好食物篮“ 给 雪州莎亚南太子园的居民。此住宅区居民说他们多年不曾遭水灾之苦,但这回家园被淹没数日,积水于24日方才全退,是巴生谷此次水灾最严重地区之一。
行动开始前,副主持如行法师开示, 感谢大家在聖誕節假期仍然发心出力,把礼物(食物篮)送给灾民,并叮咛大家务必照顾好自己,那才有能力照顾别人。中马协会会长杨翠蓮致词時給予鼓励,她说「大家都是一条心,共患难,为了做有意义的事而来。加油!」


South Asia Humanistic Buddhist Study Group Report

South Asia Humanistic Buddhist Study Group Report
Report writer: Dr. Karuna Laxmi Shakya
Name of Chapter: Kathmandu Sub- Chapter
The session was started by reading each paragraph by participants turn by turn. After that discussion started and participants participated in the group discussion. There were nine different guiding questions put by Ven. Mia Ru for discussion smoothly. The flow of report is accordingly each guiding question.
The first question was “What are four Immeasurables? Could anyone answer this?” – in this regard, participants told that the four Immeasurbles are loving kindness, compassion, Joy and Equanimity. Upholding four measurables not only will one’s merit and wisdom increases, it also eliminates afflictions.
The second question was on “How does the Immeasurable loving kindness benefit in your life? Any incidents that you want to share with us regarding this question?”. Participants shared their experiences in different perspectives like Sis Bashu (Nurse), Kathmandu Sub chapter member shared her experience of working with elderly people, who are suffering from dementia. If they are dealt with love and kindness, they behave well and cooperate well. Si Gu Ben Won said “I did dealing with community in Bodha Gaya with love and kindness, in the result they (community people) did not do toilet in our land”. Ven Mia Ru mentioned that even one has anger outside to get the things done, always keep compassion and love inside the heart for people.


Three Acts of Goodness

Topic: Buddha-dharma: Pure and Simple — Three Acts of Goodness
A total of 33 readers joined this session facilitated by Venerable Miao Tan.
In this passage, Venerable Master Hsing Yun emphasised the importance of practicing the Three Acts of Goodness — Do Good Deeds, Speak Good Words and Think Good Thoughts, because according to Master, spiritual cultivation starts from cultivating wholesome physical, verbal and mental karma. It embodies the essence of the Buddha’s teaching and contain the profound Dharma that holds true to the original intents of the Buddha. Master also aimed to remind us that the Three Acts of Goodness is not just a slogan, but rather, it is a mission to put into action. He also transmits the message to us to cultivate good karma.
In this session, Venerable Miao Tan shared her views how we can cultivate good karma by applying the Three Acts of Goodness and practice with the Five Precepts.
1) Refrain from killing is a practice of compassion. One of the ways introduced by Venerable Miao Tan is to become a vegetarian. The wholesome effect of this practice is we will create a healthy ecosystem for everyone to live in harmony.
2) Refrain from stealing promotes righteousness. An example quoted by Venerable is, as Buddhist, we can contribute to save this Earth by not stealing lives from nature, such as cutting trees, harvesting pearls, minerals, etc…
3) No lying is to build trust by saying good words. Slandering or gossiping cause problems between people. Therefore, we must always say good or encouraging words and respect the reputation and credibility of other people.
4) No sexual misconduct is a practice of doing good deeds and in so doing, cultivating good thoughts. When one practice good conduct and behaviour, we create a harmonious society and build a trusted relationship with people around us.
5) No intoxication promotes the practice of speaking good words. Intoxicants are stimulants that poisons the body and mind. By refraining from intoxicants is to respect the health and intelligence of oneself and others, thereby enhances wisdom and forming good affinities with people.
In a nutshell, by upholding the Five Precepts, we are embracing all the Three Acts of Goodness; doing good deeds is to cultivate wholesome actions to purify one’s karma; speaking good words is to cultivate wholesome speech to purify one’s verbal karma; and thinking good thoughts is to cultivate wholesome thoughts to purify one’s mental deeds. One reader highlighted a good point that talking with the right intonation also promotes the act of speaking good words.
Master’s compassion is always with us as he remembered to offer advise to those who had unfortunately conducted unwholesome actions. The two ways that Master taught are to repent and make vows. By making sincere repentance, one can lessen the severity of unwholesome karma and by making vows to practice the Three Good Acts diligently, it will give rise to wholesome and virtuous thoughts. These three actions may seem simple but it contains the profound teachings that Master advocated in Humanistic Buddhism and, as reminded by Venerable Miao Tan, we must cultivate these virtues and pass down to our next generation so that society will become more harmonious and the world a better place. With that, the class ended with the Transference of Merit. May all be well and happy!


South Asia Buddha Dharma Study

South Asia Buddha Dharma Study group discussion is started with brief introduction about facilitators of the Ven. Ru Ji and Ven. Ru Hong and other members. They gave a brief introduction about BLIA and Venerable Master Hsing Yun in spreading Dhamma, peace and love to all human and living beings.
The members started reading voluntarily the paragraphs of Taking Refuge in the Triple Gems from Book1 with enthusiastically. The discussion is moved on to discuss about the core of the Buddhist faith, Triple Gems – Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. Members recollected three important conditions, which was mentioned in the theme by Venerable Master Hsing Yun to attain liberation. Many members shared their life experience like sharing knowledge and wholesome thoughts and actions, making a person more kind, compassionate about taking refuge in the Buddha is like building a power station in one’s mind. Also taking refuge in Buddha is helping to everyone to identify the weakness of each individual like anger and greed, fear etc.,
Ven. Ru Hong explained the importance of Samadhi, Sheela and Panya. Many members share their life experience about transformation and better way of life through Buddhism in family, society and work environment. The tolerance, calmness, preventing anger and stable in difficult situation was developed in a positive way to accommodate others view and action.
Members started discussing about Dhamma is like water that nourishes all beings and shared their events from their family and workplace to get the opportunity to serve and address grievances in the organization, common man in society and family members. Doing the official duty without bending or deviating from moral and ethical way in any form of pressure and directions. Dhamma gave the energy to serve more and more people and area with kind heart and transparent way in making decisions.
The members appreciated the Chinese saying like “There is Dhamma and There is a way” and discussed about the life transformation like courage to face issues strongly after attending FGS training. The Dhamma gives the will power to serve in COVID pandemic situation to the public along with medical staff and communities. Dhamma gives confidence to face difficult times like lost close relatives, unemployment and lost job and bring more positivity in life.
The members had discussed about role of Dhamma to overcome defilements arise in one’s mind. Recollected the service extended to relieve the affected people from Tsunami, Covid with the help of Head Quarters.
The importance of Sangha and to know & follow the Buddha’s Dharma with the guidance or instruction of Sangha is discussed. Sangha is helped to differentiate and identify wrong thoughts from right thoughts, guiding towards brightness from darkness. Sangha is the spiritual family, passing the Dhamma from one generation to another generation through Teachers in a committed way.
Discussion is continued further on finding safety from adversity through the power of contemplating the Triple Gem even when not in their presence, importance of spiritual treasure than worldly treasure, truly taking refuge in Triple Gem and its true meaning of taking refuge in the Triple Gem. Interestingly the youngest member from FGS Training School, Bodh Gaya has voluntarily shared her view about the benefits of taking refuge in Triple Gem. The best practice of their Bodh Gaya school to understand Triple Gem through stories and sharing the events in social media has showed the new way to others to utilize effectively modern communication and media to propagate Dhamma to all over the world.
Finally Ven. Ru Hong and Ven. Ru Ji had prayed for the flood affected people of Chennai and Tamilnadu along with members and shared merits to all. Overall the discussion is very interactive and members from various chapters participated actively. Discussion is elevated to next higher level by sharing their life experience.



帶領人有燈法師便以聞的形式向青年們發出提問。問道: 「到底是誰控製了我們的命運?」青年莫凱欣答道「一個人今生的禍福貧富,都是自己前世造作下來的結果;今生所做的善惡行為,又會決定來生的命運好壞。」接下來,帶領人繼續提問第二個問題:「因果之間,人與人有什麽差別?」陳佩璇回答道「所有的業,都不是命中註定的,也非由他人所操控,自作還得自受,誰都無法僥幸逃脫,也錯亂不得。因果之前,人人平等,因果是人世間最公平的仲裁者。」



佛光文教中心于10/24举办线上家长心灵成长班,共有20人参与,郑美心(小喵)老师为学员授课,主题为「正念家庭的幸福密码」。大家共同探讨原生家庭的吵架带给人生的影响。我们常常会複製 上一代夫妻的沟通方式,小孩又在重复我们这一代的沟通方式。








Study Group of South Asia

Date: 23/10/2021 (Sat)
Time: 7.00pm-8.30pm (M’sia Time)
4.30pm-6.00pm (India Time)
Facilitator: *Ven. You Zong *
Topic: Buddha-Dharma: Pure & Simple —
Law of cause and effect across three times period
The topic started with reading of paragraphs by each one of the participants. At the end of the reading, ven. You Zong had put few questions for discussion to be the part of the topic. Which had explained very well by the participants as per their day today life experiences on law of causes and effects.
Question1 . what are common query people have regarding cause and effect?
Answered by Brother Mannan: common people think that if one person doing some wrong thing but he is giving happily, if a person living with pure heart and very simple but still he is in poverty are facing problems in a day today life. The questions are always there in their mind whether cause and effect really in theory or philosophy and these are the common queries in most of the people.
Question 2. Do your subchapter people face same problems?
As per Dr Karuna, The people think that whatever if one does good it comes back to good in life if one does bad then it comes back in later life, people believe that whatever they does good in the future.
Ven. You Zong added and shared her childhood experiences mentioned ‘’one reap what one sow’’ as per her mother but young generation always need to be explained and need to be proved.
Question 3. Which saying this describe the law of cause and effects and karmic retribution?
As per sis. Lilian present life experiences are the results of past life and present life cause of future life experiences.
Question 4 which example is this article explain cause and effect and karmic retribution example given by master?
Answered by Dr Karuna, example about the saving account every people committed crime but that is a kind of withdrawing from their own saving account.
Question 5. What is the world most just arbitrator?
Answered by sis Lillian is law of cause and effect is the arbitrator.
Question 6.if some one wish to changes the law of cause and effects over faith what one should do?
As per brother Mannan live in the present moment, and added by sis Lucy that to have remorse and try to live better life to have others to reach out people because our wholesome deed with compassion and with way we have others and helping ourselves better karmic results coming life.
Questions 7 share your experiences do you believe cause and effects? Give life experiences from your life that one reap what one sow that support law of cause and effects?
As per Mr Anban, by doing good deed, speaking good words and thinking good thoughts this is the example and ‘’golden words’’
Question 8 So, how you convince out of people?
As per Bro. Mannan by giving comparision between two students one study well and other not and how they get the result in their further life. He also added the example of public transport where offering a chair to the physically challenged and needy or lady with child where one can offer the help, during pandemic helping the people like sowing seeds without expectation and will get good reap in future.
Dr Karuna also added example and her experience while working with co-workers need a good environment by adding happiness, kindness and satisfaction which reflect hormony in the team and affect the life. Zong added that we work with the people and connected with lot of people, family and like working in a team so you give love, kind words, give smile which create hormony environment surrounding you.
Question 9 what is the effect of law of cause and effect and karmic retribution how do you explain ?
Answered by sis Lucy that no one can escape from one’s karma, evey deed and action accumulated for like how every you nurture and nourish your body and mind because everything is connected.the teaching of Dharma is available all around us but how we use it and understand make us who we pick up and virtue and wholesome deeds that nature becomes you. That why they say that we need to save water, plant, and free use of biodegradable things and don’t waste natural resources and revalue and deeds to save for later we need to take care of everything and are connected. Because with single kind words transforms a person life. So, everything like cause and effects and karmic retributions that we need to develop and nurture.
Question 10 we as a Buddhist always say live in the present moment so, what represent live in the present moment and is so important in three time period what do you think?
Answered by Mr Steven, Buddha always advices that as per the Dharma that we must live in the present, where the past is always a past and the future is not there whatever the present which is most important moment, In our life we also live in three time periods that we accumulated good that we do, so in present you are planting a lot of good seeds then you are looking good fruits in future. But the future is not yet here but present in how do you live. When there is lot of negativity around us we should be thankful as we are clearing our debts, so we should be thankful to negativity also and so we should see good. That’s the teaching of Buddha.
Question 11 do you believe to find challenging a single thought that turn sadness to happiness? How do you stop? Is it possible in single thought have face that? How much sadness it takes?
As per brother steven shared his experiences before coming to Buddhism always negativity in his mind, and as per him you can not let go but after learning Buddhism after practicing 4 universal vows that is
1) Sentient Beings are limitless, I vow to liberate them.
2) Afflictions are endless, I vow to eradicate them.
3) Teachings are infinite, I vow to learn them.
4) Buddhahood is supreme, I vow to attain it. ,
you apply in your family which find useful and you thanks causes and condition when let it go. Everyday need to practice and meditation so that good habit that we develop our mind. And our daily challenges we are able to turn negative to positive.
Ven. You Zong added, your practices and you make habit , you practice, you make compassion then you let it go every easily. Everyone have Buddha nature inside you. In the begining its looks difficult but if you believes in yourselves keep doing it, repeat it make it a habit. Then you will find everything in the present moment would transform into a lot of negativity in to positivity.
Question12 while facing life challenges do you have lucky escape? Which seems like contradiction? Do you believe in lucky escape?
As per bro. B.k. Maheshwary. That I believe that nature of law is supreme and you can escape this moment but the next moment result will there as what I have done my karma earlier. If tomorrow I will be waiting then it will come with , I don’t believe that any one can escape from the laws of cause and effect every one has to pass though 100%. I can not escape from the law of nature.
Ven. You Zong added yes there is no escape at present moment, put in positive mind if it happen tomorrow one day to change law of cause and condition with right view face with positive mind.
Question13 how does the cause and effect the article across the three time period help you in your life?
As per Madam Ganga, by giving example of when we throw a black ball , black ball return when we throw white ball return white ball is the example of cause and effect.
Dr Tushar added, the cause and effect its purifying our mind and it keeps opening our mind that we should be focused we should keep on doing the good work, wholesome deeds should be continued , common people they get bad karmic result after doing good deed. We should keep doing good work, even we should encourage other also for not to worry of bad karmic out put but to keep continue positively in the life. Be more optimistic, hopeful for the future, its keep up moving ahead and it giving us fearlessness work and keep doing our great work.
Another sister added, we should speak good words with mind do good deed, speak good word and think good thought that that is the good karma.
Mr Anban added, the cause and effect are the heart of Buddhism the hear teaching of Buddhism. So, everyone should practice, so this is our life not only for Buddhism but for everyone whole world this is the formula.
Brother mannan thanked for sharing life experience working place and many people. And about interaction session about the fearless life while practicing Buddhism and law of cause and effect.
Ven. You Zong added her temple experience, that lot of people in south Asia people they pray to the Buddha or bodhisattvas during the Chinese new year, they bring apples to the Buddha they want to pray for safety of family they want to pray for prosperity. Common people they don’t graps the meaning they take like insurance that if Buddha bless me good happen to me these belief don’t work that happen to your surrounding to you, same thing bad happened so they blame Buddha . they think religion don’t work they need to change . how it happen to my son, my next generation. I think this is up to the superstitious.
Mr. Steven added a business man story who was chanting Buddha and loss money in share market, where a beside standing venerable asked that he chanted Buddha name amitofo as insurance but this is mistake, it could be want to reborn in pureland. But the mistake the karmic happening between the Buddha name and doing business when you do business you mixed up karmic happening.
Ven. Youzong added that lots of people loss the faith due to bad things happened. Because the fundamental law of Buddhism. We are extremely lucky who keep emphasizing on Buddhism.
At the end of the class merits were distributed by Ven You Zong.


