


此次的导读我们准备了三部关于亲情和友情的感人短片——《奇迹男孩》,《送你一朵小红花》和《结婚礼服》。当中《结婚礼服》的剧情是相当催泪的,它主要讲述着是一位患癌母亲选择开心地与她懂事的女儿度过剩下的日子并一起创造各种美好的回忆。所谓 “爱在心口难开” ,那懂事的女儿虽已猜到他妈妈得了重病但还是无法鼓起勇气表达对母亲的爱。


俗语说“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待” ,孝顺要趁早,以免后悔莫及。但在我们的日常生活里,亲人和朋友都扮演着不同的角色,也是缺一不可的。所以,我们必须好好珍惜身边的人!



佛光文教中心家長心靈成長班今天(20/6)已來到了第六堂線上視訊課程。誠邀當家知平法師一起來和大家探討《佛法真義》之《與病為友》,共20人參與。人的一生終免不了經歷老、病、死、生,如何以正確態度面對,端賴正知正見。以面對病痛為例,我們應有與病為友的想法,去接納它的存在與對待之有如朋友般,如此就能隨緣而住、隨遇而安。好比星雲大師金句如是說“生於憂患,長於困難,喜悅一生”。只要懂得如何轉念和轉移心念,不怕困難和能吃苦,就沒有值得擔憂與恐懼的。正所謂:“山不轉路轉;路不轉人轉”。在探討初心之際,別輕易的被外境所影響而為之所動搖。只要時時保持“身病心不病,身苦心不苦“ 就自然沒有什麼罣礙了。知平法師藉此鼓勵家長們踴躍報名由國際佛光會世界總會所舉辦的全球線上佛學會考,希望大家能精進佛法並祝大家雙親節快樂、身體健康。



佛光文教中心周日兒童佛學班6/20線上課程主題為「感恩」,幼幼班小朋友在早課誦持《心經》後,由老師講解端午節的由來、認識屈原,並播放「聽我說謝謝你」,引導幼童心存感恩,將感恩心落實在日常生活裡,隨後製作龍舟小粽子,送給父母做為小禮物。低年級班1-3年級的同學,在觀看「一公分鉛筆」的短片後,大為感動,並實際體驗透過長度2公分的筆抄寫《心經》,由老師引導大眾思維「心中有愛,就有希望」,了解「福氣」來自一顆感恩、簡單、不貪求的心,勉勵學生要心存感恩,感恩父母,感恩一切幫助過我們的人,同時也要感恩接受我們幫助的人。而高年級4-6年級的同學在老師引導下,透過澳洲沒有四肢的生命鬥士Nick Vujicic樂觀面對人生的的故事,學習提升感恩的心,並觀看「父親節的由來」短片,感念父母對我們的照顧與疼愛,願在父親節的今天,所有學生都能大聲向父親說聲「我愛您」。共有90位學生線上上課。








Buddha-dharma: Pure & Simple – Law of Cause and Effect Across the Three Time Periods

07/06/2021 – “Joyful Dharma” Reading Club Report

Topic: Buddha-dharma: Pure & Simple – Law of Cause and Effect Across the Three Time Periods

A total of 27 participants attended this week’s reading session facilitated by Elder Advisor Sister Lillian.

According to Venerable Master Hsing Yun, causes and effects stretch across the span of three time periods; past, present and future, each affecting the other and no one can escape their past debts, no matter how reputable or ethical they may be. Master quoted that even Maudgalyayana, who has supernatural powers, and the Buddha, who is an awakened being, have to go through their karmic retributions.

To further enlighten the class on the understanding of karma, Venerable Ru Xing gave a description of the four attributes of karma:

(1) Karma determines results of what we do.
Different suffering and happiness are caused by different karma. As Buddhist, one must establish the right view to understand without the slightest confusion about karma, so as not to be blinded by the appearance of suffering and happiness.
(2) Karma grows vastly with our mind.
A small cause of good or evil can, by enlargement or continuation of the mind, lead to a large result of suffering or happiness. Eg, a drop of water can create an ocean; a small spark of fire can burn the whole forest. This explain that the relationship between cause and effect cannot be equated; a small act can create a great karma.
(3) No retribution for unmade karma.
If we have not created any karma, there is no retribution.
(4) Karma that has been created will not disappear.
Literally, this means if we do not do anything, whatever good and bad karma that has been created will not disappear, even after a hundred kalpas. However, by understanding the Buddha’s teaching of impermanence, if one perform good deeds and do repentance, we can cleanse our offenses and transgressions and improve our life.

From the discussions that follow, Venerable Ru Xing concur with one of our dharma brothers that we can look at karma with positive and neutral views. Taking the current pandemic as an example of collective karma, by understanding impermanence, we know that this pandemic will cease one day. However, at this moment, we can see that many people are suffering. If we can take this as an opportunity for us to do more good deeds and collectively cultivate good thoughts and transfer merit for a better world, we can transform and create a better life for our future.

On another question from one reader whether one suffers physical pains or sickness in this life is due to karma created in the past life, Venerable explained it is not necessary so. It could be due to the current lifestyle one is living now, eg. not eating or sleeping well, stressful working life, or not taking good care of one’s health, these are present causes that lead to present effects. But again, Venerable reiterated that if one has created the karma, one will have to face the consequences with repentance or do some other good deeds. We should not rely on supernatural powers to eradicate our past actions. From the interesting stories shared by Venerable and some partipants, everyone agree with Master’s perspective that, “One reaps what one sows”. While a person may live without faith, he or she must not live without the belief in cause and effect.

Before the class ended, every partipant shared a piece of their thoughts or reflections on today’s article and in closing, Venerable Ru Xing imparted some words of wisdom for us to take back:

(1) if we have unwholesome thoughts that has not been put into actions, use self-reproach as repentance to clear this karma,
(2) if somehow we have acted on it, we can approach the monastics or Bodhisattvas to confess whatever deeds we had done in the past and purify our karma and,
(3) do repentance diligently and specifically for one, three or five years, example chanting repentance sutras like Avatamsaka Sutra, 88 Buddha Repentance Sutra, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra, etc. Notably, these repentance services not only purify our karma in the present life but also offences we have committed in the past many, many life times.

In conclusion, understanding causes and effects can inspire one with positivity and to be grateful for all that we have in this present life. The session ended with “Transference of Merit” and may all beings be free from suffering and live a peaceful life. Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!



為增進對監獄弘法的認識,馬來西亞佛光山監獄弘法團於2021年5月28日上午9:30至下午4:00 舉辦《監獄及戒毒所弘法培訓線上課程》,此次的培訓活動共有33位來自中馬區(吉隆坡/雪蘭莪),北馬區(霹靂/檳城)以及南馬區(森美蘭/馬六甲)的團圓參加。
















Buddha-dharma: Pure & Simple – Dual Cultivation of Merit and Wisdom

17/5/2021 – “Joyful Dharma” Reading Club Report

Topic: Buddha-dharma: Pure & Simple – Dual Cultivation of Merit and Wisdom

A total of 25 participants attended this week’s reading session facilitated by Elder Advisor Sister Lillian.

From the passage written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the dual cultivation of merit and wisdom should be equally emphasised with practice and understanding, knowledge and action, as well as listening and experiencing to complete the practice of Buddhism. From the discussion that follows, Elder Advisor Sister Lillian created some awareness and self-examination among the readers by questioning what they understand about dual cultivation and how one should go about practicing them in life.

Some readers shared their early experiences and how they cultivated both merit and wisdom by doing the 3 good deeds, helping people to solve problems, being patient to listen to one’s problem, participating in charity activities, reading sutras and listening to dharma talks, joining dharma classes or reading clubs and so on. We also hear sharings from our dharma brothers that cultivation of merit and wisdom require the perfection of wisdom and generosity as well as observance of precepts, meditative concentration and prajna wisdom so that one can contemplate to gain true wisdom. Other ways of practice also includes prostrating to the Buddha and meditation practice to purify one’s mind. In reality, some may not be able to practice the dual cultivation due to one’s background, causes and effects, conditions and affinities. Nevertheless, a practitioner of the bodhisattva’s path should not stick to only one method and should always try to have a good balance by reading sutras and learning the Dharma to cultivate both virtues.

As a reflection of this topic, we revere the advise of Venerable Master Hsing Yun that when one listens to, contemplates upon, and practices the Dharma, one is essentially “entering the attainment of samadhi through listening, contemplation and practice”, which ultimately increases our insights and capacity to acquire merit and enhance our wisdom.

The class ended with a “Prayer Before Retiring for the Day” followed by Transference of Merits. May we dedicate the merits from the learning and sharing of the Buddha-Dharma to all sentient being, may all be safe and well.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!







