農曆正月初九日,是民間俗稱天公的誕辰。諸天高居天界,受佛陀的囑咐,護持芸芸眾生修持佛法,以其神威為人們祛惡化邪,消災免難,提攜修道者圓滿佛果。故舉辦「供佛齋天」法會,以最隆重的儀式,備辦素齋虔誠迎請諸天光降受供,祈求三寶加被、天人護佑,新的一年風調雨順、國泰民安,更祝禱人間永離災難,世界和平! January 9th of the Chinese Lunar Calendar is the birthday of the heavenly king. The heavenly beings, under the advice of the Buddha, protect sentient beings in cultivating the Dharma, they eliminate the evil and calamities, supporting the cultivators in achieving Buddhahood. Therefore we organize the Offering Ceremony To Buddha And Celestial Guardians Dharma Service, whereby vegetarian food is offered to the Celestial Guardians, we pray for the blessings by the Triple Gem and protection by the Celestial Guardians. May the new year be smooth-sailing, may our country and people be safe, we also pray that the human world will be free from calamities and may there be world peace!