
Diamond Repentance Prayer

The Diamond Repentance Prayers is based upon the Diamond Sutra.

According to the sutra, the layperson often commits evildoings, the Buddha nature is obscured, thus the layperson is subjected to the cycle of life and death.

If the layperson realises his transgressions and sincerely seek repentance, he will be able to remove his evildoings.


Eighty Eight Buddhas Names Repentance Dharma Service

Our temple will be holding the Eighty Eight Buddhas Names Repentance Dharma Service on the first day of the lunar calendar. This Dharma service will bring many benefits to the devotees which include:

1.Repaying gratitude towards family members.

2.Repaying karmic creditors by reciting prayers and transferring merits.

3.Cultivating merits for devotees themselves.

4.Fostering friendships by reciting prayers and transferring merits.


Ksitigarbha Sutra

The Ksitigarbha Sutra has the reputation of a sutra that emphasizes on filial piety. It is a sutra expounded by the Buddha for his mother (Queen Maya)in Tusita heaven. The sutra illustrates that Ksitigrbha Bodhisattva will not seek enlightenment until he has relieved all beings in the hell from suffering. Our temple will be reciting the Ksitigarbha Sutra on the fifth week (if there is such a week) of the month.


Eighty Eight Buddhas Repentance Prayer

In our daily lives, our body, speech and mind had unknowingly committed many mistakes without us realising it. When our minds are filled with defilements, we will need to cleanse it with the Dharma waters, so that our minds will be pure again, in order to achieve a meaningful life. We are not afraid of ignorance, but we are afraid that our awareness arrives too late. How does repentance help us, what is its function?

First, repentance is the awareness of knowing our unwholesome doings.

Second, repentance is the method to get rid of evil and direct ourselves towards goodness.

Third, repentance is the power to purify our body and minds.

Our temple will be reciting the Eighty Eight Buddhas Repentance Prayer every fourth week of the month. Repentance is like medicinal herbs that can treat our vexations and illness. Repentance is like a source of light, that pierces through darkness.


The Universal Gate Chapter of Lotus Sutra

The Great Compassion Repentance Dharma Service will enable you to feel the immense compassion and vows of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

Dharma Service will enable you to feel the immense compassion and vows of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Our temple will be worshipping the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva every third week of the month, we will be reciting the great compassion dharani, to purify our body and minds.


Amitabha Sutra

The Amitabha Sutra illustrates the ideal world of Buddhism – the Amitabha Land of Ultimate Bliss. In this paradise, there are the seven treasures pavilion, eight merit waters, golden land, lotus pond, parrots that recite the Buddha’s name, exotic plants and flowers, gathering of the wise sages. Our temple will be reciting the Amitabha Sutra every second week of the month. In the land of ultimate bliss, the environment is extremely beautiful, life is filled with happiness and ease, no disturbances from the evil, no political persecutions, no complexities of relationships, no accidents, the land of ultimate bliss is so wonderful, everyone looks forward to it.


Sutra of Profound Gratitude Towards Parents

Buddhism is a religion that place great emphasis on filial piety. The Sutra of Profound Gratitude Towards Parents illustrates the difficulties, dangers and sufferings associated with giving birth and raising children. Our temple will be reciting the Sutra of Profound Gratitude Towards Parents every first week of the month to repay our gratitude towards our parents. Just as mentioned in the sutra, we should transcribe the sutra for our parents, we should read the sutra, we should repent our transgressions, we should seek refuge in the Triple Gem, we should abide by the Eight Precepts for our parents, we should donate and cultivate merits for our parents, this is how we repay our gratitude to our parents.


South Asia Buddha Dharma Study

South Asia Buddha Dharma Study group discussion is started with brief introduction about facilitators of the Ven. Ru Ji and Ven. Ru Hong and other members. They gave a brief introduction about BLIA and Venerable Master Hsing Yun in spreading Dhamma, peace and love to all human and living beings.
The members started reading voluntarily the paragraphs of Taking Refuge in the Triple Gems from Book1 with enthusiastically. The discussion is moved on to discuss about the core of the Buddhist faith, Triple Gems – Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. Members recollected three important conditions, which was mentioned in the theme by Venerable Master Hsing Yun to attain liberation. Many members shared their life experience like sharing knowledge and wholesome thoughts and actions, making a person more kind, compassionate about taking refuge in the Buddha is like building a power station in one’s mind. Also taking refuge in Buddha is helping to everyone to identify the weakness of each individual like anger and greed, fear etc.,
Ven. Ru Hong explained the importance of Samadhi, Sheela and Panya. Many members share their life experience about transformation and better way of life through Buddhism in family, society and work environment. The tolerance, calmness, preventing anger and stable in difficult situation was developed in a positive way to accommodate others view and action.
Members started discussing about Dhamma is like water that nourishes all beings and shared their events from their family and workplace to get the opportunity to serve and address grievances in the organization, common man in society and family members. Doing the official duty without bending or deviating from moral and ethical way in any form of pressure and directions. Dhamma gave the energy to serve more and more people and area with kind heart and transparent way in making decisions.
The members appreciated the Chinese saying like “There is Dhamma and There is a way” and discussed about the life transformation like courage to face issues strongly after attending FGS training. The Dhamma gives the will power to serve in COVID pandemic situation to the public along with medical staff and communities. Dhamma gives confidence to face difficult times like lost close relatives, unemployment and lost job and bring more positivity in life.
The members had discussed about role of Dhamma to overcome defilements arise in one’s mind. Recollected the service extended to relieve the affected people from Tsunami, Covid with the help of Head Quarters.
The importance of Sangha and to know & follow the Buddha’s Dharma with the guidance or instruction of Sangha is discussed. Sangha is helped to differentiate and identify wrong thoughts from right thoughts, guiding towards brightness from darkness. Sangha is the spiritual family, passing the Dhamma from one generation to another generation through Teachers in a committed way.
Discussion is continued further on finding safety from adversity through the power of contemplating the Triple Gem even when not in their presence, importance of spiritual treasure than worldly treasure, truly taking refuge in Triple Gem and its true meaning of taking refuge in the Triple Gem. Interestingly the youngest member from FGS Training School, Bodh Gaya has voluntarily shared her view about the benefits of taking refuge in Triple Gem. The best practice of their Bodh Gaya school to understand Triple Gem through stories and sharing the events in social media has showed the new way to others to utilize effectively modern communication and media to propagate Dhamma to all over the world.
Finally Ven. Ru Hong and Ven. Ru Ji had prayed for the flood affected people of Chennai and Tamilnadu along with members and shared merits to all. Overall the discussion is very interactive and members from various chapters participated actively. Discussion is elevated to next higher level by sharing their life experience.



帶領人有燈法師便以聞的形式向青年們發出提問。問道: 「到底是誰控製了我們的命運?」青年莫凱欣答道「一個人今生的禍福貧富,都是自己前世造作下來的結果;今生所做的善惡行為,又會決定來生的命運好壞。」接下來,帶領人繼續提問第二個問題:「因果之間,人與人有什麽差別?」陳佩璇回答道「所有的業,都不是命中註定的,也非由他人所操控,自作還得自受,誰都無法僥幸逃脫,也錯亂不得。因果之前,人人平等,因果是人世間最公平的仲裁者。」


