






Study Group of South Asia

Date: 23/10/2021 (Sat)
Time: 7.00pm-8.30pm (M’sia Time)
4.30pm-6.00pm (India Time)
Facilitator: *Ven. You Zong *
Topic: Buddha-Dharma: Pure & Simple —
Law of cause and effect across three times period
The topic started with reading of paragraphs by each one of the participants. At the end of the reading, ven. You Zong had put few questions for discussion to be the part of the topic. Which had explained very well by the participants as per their day today life experiences on law of causes and effects.
Question1 . what are common query people have regarding cause and effect?
Answered by Brother Mannan: common people think that if one person doing some wrong thing but he is giving happily, if a person living with pure heart and very simple but still he is in poverty are facing problems in a day today life. The questions are always there in their mind whether cause and effect really in theory or philosophy and these are the common queries in most of the people.
Question 2. Do your subchapter people face same problems?
As per Dr Karuna, The people think that whatever if one does good it comes back to good in life if one does bad then it comes back in later life, people believe that whatever they does good in the future.
Ven. You Zong added and shared her childhood experiences mentioned ‘’one reap what one sow’’ as per her mother but young generation always need to be explained and need to be proved.
Question 3. Which saying this describe the law of cause and effects and karmic retribution?
As per sis. Lilian present life experiences are the results of past life and present life cause of future life experiences.
Question 4 which example is this article explain cause and effect and karmic retribution example given by master?
Answered by Dr Karuna, example about the saving account every people committed crime but that is a kind of withdrawing from their own saving account.
Question 5. What is the world most just arbitrator?
Answered by sis Lillian is law of cause and effect is the arbitrator.
Question 6.if some one wish to changes the law of cause and effects over faith what one should do?
As per brother Mannan live in the present moment, and added by sis Lucy that to have remorse and try to live better life to have others to reach out people because our wholesome deed with compassion and with way we have others and helping ourselves better karmic results coming life.
Questions 7 share your experiences do you believe cause and effects? Give life experiences from your life that one reap what one sow that support law of cause and effects?
As per Mr Anban, by doing good deed, speaking good words and thinking good thoughts this is the example and ‘’golden words’’
Question 8 So, how you convince out of people?
As per Bro. Mannan by giving comparision between two students one study well and other not and how they get the result in their further life. He also added the example of public transport where offering a chair to the physically challenged and needy or lady with child where one can offer the help, during pandemic helping the people like sowing seeds without expectation and will get good reap in future.
Dr Karuna also added example and her experience while working with co-workers need a good environment by adding happiness, kindness and satisfaction which reflect hormony in the team and affect the life. Zong added that we work with the people and connected with lot of people, family and like working in a team so you give love, kind words, give smile which create hormony environment surrounding you.
Question 9 what is the effect of law of cause and effect and karmic retribution how do you explain ?
Answered by sis Lucy that no one can escape from one’s karma, evey deed and action accumulated for like how every you nurture and nourish your body and mind because everything is connected.the teaching of Dharma is available all around us but how we use it and understand make us who we pick up and virtue and wholesome deeds that nature becomes you. That why they say that we need to save water, plant, and free use of biodegradable things and don’t waste natural resources and revalue and deeds to save for later we need to take care of everything and are connected. Because with single kind words transforms a person life. So, everything like cause and effects and karmic retributions that we need to develop and nurture.
Question 10 we as a Buddhist always say live in the present moment so, what represent live in the present moment and is so important in three time period what do you think?
Answered by Mr Steven, Buddha always advices that as per the Dharma that we must live in the present, where the past is always a past and the future is not there whatever the present which is most important moment, In our life we also live in three time periods that we accumulated good that we do, so in present you are planting a lot of good seeds then you are looking good fruits in future. But the future is not yet here but present in how do you live. When there is lot of negativity around us we should be thankful as we are clearing our debts, so we should be thankful to negativity also and so we should see good. That’s the teaching of Buddha.
Question 11 do you believe to find challenging a single thought that turn sadness to happiness? How do you stop? Is it possible in single thought have face that? How much sadness it takes?
As per brother steven shared his experiences before coming to Buddhism always negativity in his mind, and as per him you can not let go but after learning Buddhism after practicing 4 universal vows that is
1) Sentient Beings are limitless, I vow to liberate them.
2) Afflictions are endless, I vow to eradicate them.
3) Teachings are infinite, I vow to learn them.
4) Buddhahood is supreme, I vow to attain it. ,
you apply in your family which find useful and you thanks causes and condition when let it go. Everyday need to practice and meditation so that good habit that we develop our mind. And our daily challenges we are able to turn negative to positive.
Ven. You Zong added, your practices and you make habit , you practice, you make compassion then you let it go every easily. Everyone have Buddha nature inside you. In the begining its looks difficult but if you believes in yourselves keep doing it, repeat it make it a habit. Then you will find everything in the present moment would transform into a lot of negativity in to positivity.
Question12 while facing life challenges do you have lucky escape? Which seems like contradiction? Do you believe in lucky escape?
As per bro. B.k. Maheshwary. That I believe that nature of law is supreme and you can escape this moment but the next moment result will there as what I have done my karma earlier. If tomorrow I will be waiting then it will come with , I don’t believe that any one can escape from the laws of cause and effect every one has to pass though 100%. I can not escape from the law of nature.
Ven. You Zong added yes there is no escape at present moment, put in positive mind if it happen tomorrow one day to change law of cause and condition with right view face with positive mind.
Question13 how does the cause and effect the article across the three time period help you in your life?
As per Madam Ganga, by giving example of when we throw a black ball , black ball return when we throw white ball return white ball is the example of cause and effect.
Dr Tushar added, the cause and effect its purifying our mind and it keeps opening our mind that we should be focused we should keep on doing the good work, wholesome deeds should be continued , common people they get bad karmic result after doing good deed. We should keep doing good work, even we should encourage other also for not to worry of bad karmic out put but to keep continue positively in the life. Be more optimistic, hopeful for the future, its keep up moving ahead and it giving us fearlessness work and keep doing our great work.
Another sister added, we should speak good words with mind do good deed, speak good word and think good thought that that is the good karma.
Mr Anban added, the cause and effect are the heart of Buddhism the hear teaching of Buddhism. So, everyone should practice, so this is our life not only for Buddhism but for everyone whole world this is the formula.
Brother mannan thanked for sharing life experience working place and many people. And about interaction session about the fearless life while practicing Buddhism and law of cause and effect.
Ven. You Zong added her temple experience, that lot of people in south Asia people they pray to the Buddha or bodhisattvas during the Chinese new year, they bring apples to the Buddha they want to pray for safety of family they want to pray for prosperity. Common people they don’t graps the meaning they take like insurance that if Buddha bless me good happen to me these belief don’t work that happen to your surrounding to you, same thing bad happened so they blame Buddha . they think religion don’t work they need to change . how it happen to my son, my next generation. I think this is up to the superstitious.
Mr. Steven added a business man story who was chanting Buddha and loss money in share market, where a beside standing venerable asked that he chanted Buddha name amitofo as insurance but this is mistake, it could be want to reborn in pureland. But the mistake the karmic happening between the Buddha name and doing business when you do business you mixed up karmic happening.
Ven. Youzong added that lots of people loss the faith due to bad things happened. Because the fundamental law of Buddhism. We are extremely lucky who keep emphasizing on Buddhism.
At the end of the class merits were distributed by Ven You Zong.






E樂園於10/17進行線上課程,共有36位學員和幹部連線參與。本月的主題是「健康醒覺」。本月的主題是健康醒覺。 我們邀請了兩位嘉賓分別是白象幹部二級的吳慧銘以及畢業於國際醫藥大學,飲食治療與營養學學位的鄭慧俐作為講座的主講人。這次的講座讓大家瞭解到素食與健康的橋梁。吳慧銘在座談中提到了5種素食類型分別是植物五辛素食、蛋奶素食、蛋類素食、奶類素食以及方便素食。除了瞭解素食的種類,大家也瞭解到不少名人也是素食者之一,例如:馬克、艾略特、扎克伯格、藝人里的周迅、還有不少的運動員其中一個是李連傑。吃素食該怎麼吃才能健康,在今天的講座也為大家解開這個謎。在大家腦海中常見的都是食物金字塔,今天大家能夠看到素食金字塔,專注在素食里的每個營養成分, 例如熟穀物、從豆類攝取的蛋白質、從維他命B12的菌藻、蔬菜以及水果。鄭慧俐也提到若想攝取鐵質以及鈣質不只是吃豆類也可以吃深色葉菜來補充。同時,她也說到每個食物蔬菜都應該吃,並且要不挑食才會健康。最後,講座中也提到吃素的三大好處,包括身體可以延年益壽,慢性疾病發生、心理上也會培養慈悲心,遠離負面情緒,以及保護環境,抑止幻化,平衡生態。今天的講座讓大家對素食和健康有進一步的認知,大家獲益不淺。






佛光文教中心於10/14透過線上的方式進行「松鹤書苑」課程,共有23位同學上線参與。有月法師带領此次的課程,主題為「苦」。同學籍由星雲大師的《佛法真義1》来了解「苦」的意涵。黄月如同學表示疫情期間苦中作樂,積極参加道場的綫上活動,如:各種課程、讀書会、共修、佛學會考、佛光會常年大會等,雖然不能外出,却也學到很多。陸淑娟同學表示人生的過程必定面對苦。年輕時喜歡参加四、五天以上的登山活動,背着十三、四公斤的背包,吃簡單的食物,睡在帳篷里,過程是幸苦的。回想當時的苦其實是在磨練我的意志力,心態,遇到困難,積極的面對,克服。曾慧珠同學分享在年度健康檢查時,被告知患上腸癌,幸好發現的早,接受这個事實,樂觀去面對, 與病為友,聽從醫生的勸告去化療。感恩家人的陪伴及照顧,讓她感受人間的温暖。最後,有月法師以「梵文大悲咒」和「悉發菩提心」來與大家結緣。同學感謝法師的開示,大家法喜充滿。


Joyful Dharma Reading Club

11/10/2021 – Joyful Dharma Reading Club
Topic: Buddha-Dharma: Pure & Simple—Understanding Generosity
A total of 35 readers joined the reading club facilitated by Venerable Ru Xing.
According to Venerable Master Hsing Yun, giving should be done in accordance with the Buddha-Dharma. It should not bring suffering or affliction to oneself. However, Venerable Ru Xing pointed out that sometimes we may do things that are not right or unwholesome, therefore we need to understand how to actualise the act of true ‘generosity’ based on the Buddha-Dharma.
Based on discussion and understanding of the readers, true generosity means giving without expecting returns, without notions or non-attachment, simply encapsulated with ‘joy’; the joy of giving by the giver and the joy of receiving by the receiver. The giver also possess a heart of gratitude and thankfulness that the receiver presents an opportunity for him to perform this act of giving.
Venerable Ru Xing agrees with the readers’ view points and she extracted a teaching from the ‘Paramita of Generosity’ which illustrates the three stages of Bodhisattva’s path to attain Buddhahood:
The first stage—perspective of the ‘Giver’. The Giver must perceive the whole act of giving to fulfil his merit to attain Buddhahood.
Second stage—the Giver needs to understand the things that he is keeping is temporary only; the person he is giving to is claiming back the things.
Third stage—in terms of the Receiver, he must have the thoughts of the Giver as his good and knowledgeable Teacher, one who teaches him how to give in an appropriate way and in accordance with the Buddha-dharma.
With these three thoughts in mind, we can cultivate the perfection of generosity by recognising there are no givers, no receivers and no gifts. This is also in accordance with the teachings in the Diamond Sutra.
Among the many examples of generosity in Buddhist sutras, there were ancient stories of the Buddha’s previous lives sacrificing his body and flesh to feed tigers and eagles. A few readers opined that while these acts are unrealistic and significantly difficult to emulate, but we can still practice these virtues by donating our blood or pledge to donate organs after death. These virtuous acts exemplify the highest state of generosity and according to Master, in actuality, accomplishing the first part of the saying—the “wish for all beings to be relieved from suffering” — is sufficient enough.
Some readers shared examples of activities they had done in actualising the giving of weath, giving of Dharma and the giving of fearlessness. An advice to take back from this article is that, in the course of every individual’s practice, there is no cultivation which is done in vain, everything has its causes and effects; all wholesome deeds have favorable outcomes. What is important is our understanding of the Buddha’s teachings—the Buddha expounded the Dharma to inspire, teach and benefit all beings and with this, we hope this Dharma session has enlightened everyone with joy and equanimity. The session ended with ‘A Prayer to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva for Safety and Protection’ and transference of merit.
May all beings live with peace and happiness!


Meditation with tea

Meditation with 🍵 tea
Yesterday afternoon we gathered online for our Meditation with Tea, organized by Dharmapala – Spritual & Cultivation sub-group. In total there were 23 participants who attended the session.
It was guided by FGS SS3 PJ Centre’s meditation guidance monastic, Venerable Miao Dao.
Venerable Miao Dao started off the session, with a brief run-down of the items required for this tea meditation session such as tea vessel, tea cups, tea leaves, and hot water flask.
Also requested was to have some sour plums or raisins for this session, which plays a part in the tea meditation.
Venerable reiterated that this is a Tea Meditation session and is not about Tea Art.
Therefore, we do not need to be too particular about having a full tea set with all the accessories or specific type of tea cups. As in meditation, there are many forms of meditation which include sitting, walking, standing so even drinking tea can be a form of meditation.
Venerable then guided us step-by-step of relaxing every part of our body from head to toe, and then into the counting of our breath technique.
The class then sat in meditation for about 5 minutes, quietly counting our own breathing.
After which, we were again guided on how to “wake up” from meditation with the warming- up movements on parts of our body.
We then moved on to the next process of meditation – with Tea.
Venerable explained the process from putting the tea leaves into the tea vessel, pouring hot water into it, pouring the simmered tea into tea cups and drinking it.
Each of the step is a meditation process in itself, as we are to observe the appearance and sound of the tea leaves, when in dry form and after hot water is poured over it.
Feel the warmth of the tea cup in our hand, smell the aroma of the tea and the taste of the tea in our mouth. Through these processes aside from using our eyes, ears, nose and mouth…we should also contemplate on the origins of the tea leaves which will help us to raise up our grateful/compassionate heart.
Then we were to put either the sour plum or raisin into our mouth and to savour the texture and taste from not chewing on it till the time we chew on it. Just as in the process of brewing tea, we should learn to contemplate the different stages.
Venerable further explained that through these processes we learn to focus, be more observant, and appreciate everything we have and do in our daily life. Using this practice or mind set, it will definitely help us as BLIA members in carrying out our tasks/duties.
Everyone enjoyed the session and we ended with a sharing of personal feedback/experience from each participant around the table whilst learning the process of tea meditation.


Buddha-dharma: Pure & Simple — Letting Go

Topic: Buddha-dharma: Pure & Simple — Letting Go
A total of 41 participants joined this reading session facilitated by Bro. Andy Ooi. Tonight, we are honoured to have Ven. You Zong as our guest. The class started off with a 5-min meditation lead by Ven. You Zong, to allow participants to relax and focus a moment to calm our mind.
As quoted by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, letting go does not mean we end up having nothing. On the contrary, only by letting go can one be at ease and liberated. Master also opines that people nowadays find it hard to let go of even a comment or a person—all due to lack of inner strength.
The facilitator raised a question to the room — how do we manage a relationship between letting go and giving up. Some readers shared their views that couples should consider to compromise and maintain family harmony and especially if they have children, they should not give up but, let go of their ego or stubborn behaviours to accommodate each other. From Ven. Ru Xing’s perspective, it is not a matter of letting go or giving up but rather, their attitude towards love. A very subtle monastic view indeed! Venerable recommended a book titled “The Road Less Traveled” written by a psychologist, M. Scott Peck, as reference how to apply the psychology of love and spiritual values to manage a relationship. Venerable described her definition of letting go is “a way of accepting and adapting, and progress for the better from that moment onwards”.
From the Buddhist perspective, attachment is craving, which leads to “clinging” and pursuing of worldly materials. From the sharing of readers, in order to detach ourselves from such cravings, one should apply and practice the Buddha’s teachings and reflect on the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination as a guide.
On another discussion how we look at life and death with detachment, some readers shared that we should cherish quality relationships with family members so that when impermanence happens, the family members will be able to reflect on happy moments spent together and use it as a source of strength and inspiration to move on. A reader also shared some stories to exemplify how we can detach from attachment by letting go of the burden that we carry on our backs and follow the Middle Path. Venerable Ru Xing reminded everyone to contemplate and recite the Amitabha Buddha’s name so that we can aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land.
Venerable You Zong was invited to share her experience about “letting go”. Before coming back to Malaysia, she had affinities to serve at the Buddha Museum in Taiwan and New York. In spite of her vast experiences and having served at well-established temples, she had a desire to serve the communities in India and willing to give up the comfort of her present environment. Unfortunately she was unable to realise her dreams due to unfavorable conditions in India at the moment. Instead, she was advised by Chief Abbess Venerable Jue Cheng that although she cannot go to India to serve physically, she could still do great things to help them by gathering resources from Malaysia and send it to those needy there. This is exemplary of letting go and picking up with ease so that one can still achieve great things, as long as one has a magnanimous mind.
We hope all readers are inspired and constantly reflect on the Buddha’s teachings and learn to let go of our sack to truly experience a carefree life. The session ended with ‘A Prayer Before Retiring for the Day’, followed by transference of merit.