參與這次賑災行動者有佛光文教中心及国际佛光會马来西亚中马协会旗下的6个分会,也就是大学园第一分会、大学园第二分会、英文分会、加里尔峰分会、冼都分会及蒲种分会的幹部及義工共100人,出動19辆皮卡(Pick Up )分6區发放1000個食物篮。
今天的活动旨在分发1000份 “三好食物篮“ 给 雪州莎亚南太子园的居民。此住宅区居民说他们多年不曾遭水灾之苦,但这回家园被淹没数日,积水于24日方才全退,是巴生谷此次水灾最严重地区之一。
行动开始前,副主持如行法师开示, 感谢大家在聖誕節假期仍然发心出力,把礼物(食物篮)送给灾民,并叮咛大家务必照顾好自己,那才有能力照顾别人。中马协会会长杨翠蓮致词時給予鼓励,她说「大家都是一条心,共患难,为了做有意义的事而来。加油!」
Author: chunhui
South Asia Humanistic Buddhist Study Group Report
Report writer: Dr. Karuna Laxmi Shakya
Name of Chapter: Kathmandu Sub- Chapter
The session was started by reading each paragraph by participants turn by turn. After that discussion started and participants participated in the group discussion. There were nine different guiding questions put by Ven. Mia Ru for discussion smoothly. The flow of report is accordingly each guiding question.
The first question was “What are four Immeasurables? Could anyone answer this?” – in this regard, participants told that the four Immeasurbles are loving kindness, compassion, Joy and Equanimity. Upholding four measurables not only will one’s merit and wisdom increases, it also eliminates afflictions.
The second question was on “How does the Immeasurable loving kindness benefit in your life? Any incidents that you want to share with us regarding this question?”. Participants shared their experiences in different perspectives like Sis Bashu (Nurse), Kathmandu Sub chapter member shared her experience of working with elderly people, who are suffering from dementia. If they are dealt with love and kindness, they behave well and cooperate well. Si Gu Ben Won said “I did dealing with community in Bodha Gaya with love and kindness, in the result they (community people) did not do toilet in our land”. Ven Mia Ru mentioned that even one has anger outside to get the things done, always keep compassion and love inside the heart for people.
Three Acts of Goodness
Topic: Buddha-dharma: Pure and Simple — Three Acts of Goodness
A total of 33 readers joined this session facilitated by Venerable Miao Tan.
In this passage, Venerable Master Hsing Yun emphasised the importance of practicing the Three Acts of Goodness — Do Good Deeds, Speak Good Words and Think Good Thoughts, because according to Master, spiritual cultivation starts from cultivating wholesome physical, verbal and mental karma. It embodies the essence of the Buddha’s teaching and contain the profound Dharma that holds true to the original intents of the Buddha. Master also aimed to remind us that the Three Acts of Goodness is not just a slogan, but rather, it is a mission to put into action. He also transmits the message to us to cultivate good karma.
In this session, Venerable Miao Tan shared her views how we can cultivate good karma by applying the Three Acts of Goodness and practice with the Five Precepts.
1) Refrain from killing is a practice of compassion. One of the ways introduced by Venerable Miao Tan is to become a vegetarian. The wholesome effect of this practice is we will create a healthy ecosystem for everyone to live in harmony.
2) Refrain from stealing promotes righteousness. An example quoted by Venerable is, as Buddhist, we can contribute to save this Earth by not stealing lives from nature, such as cutting trees, harvesting pearls, minerals, etc…
3) No lying is to build trust by saying good words. Slandering or gossiping cause problems between people. Therefore, we must always say good or encouraging words and respect the reputation and credibility of other people.
4) No sexual misconduct is a practice of doing good deeds and in so doing, cultivating good thoughts. When one practice good conduct and behaviour, we create a harmonious society and build a trusted relationship with people around us.
5) No intoxication promotes the practice of speaking good words. Intoxicants are stimulants that poisons the body and mind. By refraining from intoxicants is to respect the health and intelligence of oneself and others, thereby enhances wisdom and forming good affinities with people.
In a nutshell, by upholding the Five Precepts, we are embracing all the Three Acts of Goodness; doing good deeds is to cultivate wholesome actions to purify one’s karma; speaking good words is to cultivate wholesome speech to purify one’s verbal karma; and thinking good thoughts is to cultivate wholesome thoughts to purify one’s mental deeds. One reader highlighted a good point that talking with the right intonation also promotes the act of speaking good words.
Master’s compassion is always with us as he remembered to offer advise to those who had unfortunately conducted unwholesome actions. The two ways that Master taught are to repent and make vows. By making sincere repentance, one can lessen the severity of unwholesome karma and by making vows to practice the Three Good Acts diligently, it will give rise to wholesome and virtuous thoughts. These three actions may seem simple but it contains the profound teachings that Master advocated in Humanistic Buddhism and, as reminded by Venerable Miao Tan, we must cultivate these virtues and pass down to our next generation so that society will become more harmonious and the world a better place. With that, the class ended with the Transference of Merit. May all be well and happy!
Parent’s spiritual class
Established in 2012, it allows parents and children to learn and grow together 。Classes for parents’ spiritual growth include courses on the Fo Guang philosophy, parent-child education, medical/health topics, social issues, art and crafts, tea meditation, Dharma courses, thematic sharing, reading sessions, and sharing of learning experiences. Classes are taught by instructors from the Buddha’s Lights members, Buddha’s Light Lay Dharma teachers, scholars, and Venerable. Members of the Parent’s Spiritual Growth Class and their children learn together, faith and lineage and dedicate themselves to Humanistic Buddhism together at FGS PJ.
Grand Master Ven Hsing Yun hopes that wherever there are Fo Guang members, there will be Scouts to practise the Three Good Deeds : speak good words, do good deeds, and think good thoughts, combined with the Scout’s philosophy of “doing one good deed a day” to nurture the future masters of the nation. On May 22, 2005, the first Buddhist Scout Troop was established at FGS PJ in Malaysia on Wesak Day. This is also the first Buddhist Scout Troop in the history of Scouts in Malaysia.
The annual event of Fo Guang Scout Troop Malaysia is the annual camping held during the school holidays in November. The theme of the event is “Say good words, do good deeds, and think good thoughts” , the practice of serving people and the Scouts’ philosophy of “doing good every day”. In addition to the camping experience, the program also includes scout training, outdoor survival skills, Dharma lectures, meditation, formal Buddhist meal etiquette , campfire, group recreation, games, and various Badge advancement exams.
Tai Chi class
Tai Chi is an exercise that benefits the body and mind. In addition to effectively improving the function of the heart and lungs, the endless movements of Tai Chi also help to coordinate all parts of the body. Tai Chi requires a relaxed body and a mind free of distractions, i.e., a “calm mind”, which has a stress-relieving and relaxing effect on the mind. The Tai Chi class is held every Thursday from 8:00PM to 9:30PM and is instructed by retired elementary school Principal Mr. Siu Mau Chung.
Adult Calligraphy course
The course combines theory and practise. The course starts from the basic brushwork and proceeds to the study of calligraphy. Its appreciation and evaluation is through the analysis of the structure of the Chinese character, brushwork, strength and body posture.
Adult yoga class
Yoga originated from ancient India. The purpose of practicing yoga is to reduce mental and physical pain and achieve a state of balance. It is one of the easiest method to strengthen the immune system. “According to the Yoga Sutras, the eight steps of yoga are abstinence, refinement, body alignment, breath alignment, mindfulness, concentration, meditation, and Samadhi. These are the eight steps of yoga, starting from the initial conditioning of the body, and leading step by step to the state of yoga (self-awareness) and the stillness of the body and mind.
Adult Line Dance Class
If you bloom, the butterflies will come. They love dancing. They express their feelings with dance. Whether they are happy or unhappy, dancing is the best way to express their emotions. I believe they will achieve their dream as long as they stay focus.
With the dancing exercises and the rhythm of music, the body can stretch the muscles and bones, relax the nervous tension, improve the flexibility of hands and feet, and relax the body and mind. Line dancing is not only suitable for silver-haired people and people with aging or painful lower limb joints, but also caters to the lively personalities of young people. The instructor is Ms. Deng Shuxian.
Flower arrangement class
Through the formal floral course, students learn hand-eye coordination, color matching fundamentals, and aesthetic awareness. They can incorporate such skills into their daily lives and improve the quality of life.